Fairhaven Park in Bellingham, Washington
December 31st, 2023
7:00 am Check In
8:00 am Early Start (see info below)
9:00 am Official Start
4:00 pm Course Closes
OK, here is your Last Chance to run a 1/2 marathon or full marathon this year! The 1/2 marathon course is an out and back and the full marathon course is the same out and back course two times, starting at Fairhaven Park Pavillion, running the Interurban trail out to Clayton Beach for the full 13.1 miles or 26.2. Course is subject to change if trail conditions mandate.
This trail has spectacular views and very few hills, just enough hills to make it interesting, and break up the flat sections. FYI: We have been known to have SNOW this time of the year so plan accordingly. The majority of this trail is covered with a canopy of trees which deflects some of the rain or snow, but this also means it doesn’t heat as fast as an open course would. It can get cold. The majority of the trail is an old railroad bed, very easy to run on gravel surface, with the exception of Arroyos Park. Arroyos Park is a double track trail with a few bridges and a few fun hills. It is a very well maintained set of trails.
The bathrooms at Fairhaven Park will be unlocked as well as the warm heated Pavillion.
You should plan on being self-sufficient and carrying your own water and aid. The 1st aid station on the course is ~ 3.5 miles into the race off Chuckanut Crest Drive. In the 1/2 marathon you will run by this aid station twice, and 4 times in the full marathon. There will be an aid station at the turn around which you will access once in the 1/2 marathon and twice in the full marathon. We will also have an aid station at the start/finish so full 1/2 marathoners will have 3 chances to refill their water bottles, about every 3 to 3.5 miles, & marathoners will have 7 chances to refill their water bottles. We will have water, an electrolyte drink and other snacks at the aid stations. Usually I put some type of candy like candy corn, gummy bears, bananas, pretzels, typical ultra style foods. You won’t go hungry!
Keep an eye on the website for any changes to the event. Finishers will receive a Last Chance coin/medal similar to the quality of the Woolley Runs coin. We will provide food at the end like all the NW Ultra Events. While all your friends are recovering from their hang over and resting up before the evening’s festivities, you’ll be burning calories and ready to PARTY hardy knowing you’ve already burned off that extra beer or two, or three.

This year we are offering tech shirts for $25
Orders must be placed by 12/1/2023
Registration is done exclusively through Databar Events prior to the event. There is no day-of registration. The race is capped at 250 participants, and unless the cap is met early, the registration closes at 5:00 PM PST on December 30th.
Drop bags can be dropped off at the start the morning of the race. Drop bags will be allowed at the turnaround aid station (Larrabee Park) and the start/finish area (Fairhaven Park). Please mark on your drop bags your bib #, which aid station it goes to and your name. They will not be returned until after the last runner has left Larrabee State Park aid station, or participants may drive out to retrieve their bags. If participants do not retrieve their drop bags they will be donated, we will not mail them to you.
The official start time is 9:00 am. All runners starting at the official time will be eligible for awards.
The early start time is 8:00. Runners opting to start early will not be eligible for awards. Runners starting early are doing so because they expect to finish after the course closure time, if they start at the official time.
Minimum finish times will be given to all early start runners running faster the following times. If you plan on running faster than these times you need to start at 9:00 am!
1/2 Marathon – 3:00 minimum time
Marathon – 5:00 minimum time
Directions to the start: (click on following link & put in your start address for a detailed map)( Fairhaven Park ) I-5 from either north or south to Bellingham, take Old Fairhaven Parkway/Chuckanut Drive exit #250 and go west towards Fairhaven to the second light (12th Street), turn left, go over the bridge (Fairhaven Middle School will be in front of you) after crossing the bridge and while sitting at the light. When light turns green, turn left again, going past the rose garden (with no roses) to Fairhaven Park entrance. We will be located in the lower parking lot inside the park. Parking is limited in this area chances are you will have to park on the hill at Fairhaven Middle School.